one of the things i dont really like about contemporary art is the constant need for everything to have a message or a meaning or whatever. 

like, i dont have an issue if that’s what you want to do with your art, go for it, but i dont want to do that with my art, and it kinda feels like it’s forced. ALSO a lot of art like that seems to be made entirely by and for people with art degrees, like… people should not need a degree to Get your artwork. 

i have been informed by my lecturers that if i do a painting for my major final, i will need to justify it to the painting and drawing lecturers, not just the video/animation ones (video/animation, my major, is kinda more focused on animation/vfx industry, whereas drawing and painting are for people who want to be artists) and like, i want to be an artist, because i cant really not be an artist, but i dont want to have to come up with a bunch of artwank to get grades. and i kind of get why they do that? it’s a university, they have to give grades, adding a meaning is kinda like going above and beyond, so they give more marks for that. for having ur art relate to art history or whatever.

anyway “i drew a dragon because i like dragons” should be, by itself, enough justification for any artwork.