

I get emotionally attached to lyrics, like not necessarily a whole song just that one line that hits you in the gut and pulls out every emotion you can possibly feel and every time you hear that one line its like the whole world is okay for a few seconds.

This post is so beautiful, because if you go through the tags it’s thousands and thousands of people writing the lyrics that mean the most to them

yep. shipping does in fact cost $60. what the hell. why does it cost that much. with shipping + exchange rate my purchase went from $97 to $185

perspective + light aka i have no idea what i’m doing

my pic is 7 notes away from hitting 1400 aaah

What happened in Austrailia?



in Martin Place, which is within the CBD of Sydney, there is currently a hostage situation taking place in a lindt chocolate cafe. It has occurred since 9:45AM and is still underway. It is currently 2:45PM.

All I know myself so far is this:

  • There is around 13-50 people being held hostage within this cafe, customers and staff.
  • There is at least one gunman (possible two) controlling the situation inside. Police are on the scene outside.
  • The Sydney Opera House and areas around Martin Place have been shut down and evacuated.
  • The motivations behind the people being held hostage has not been confirmed and is unknown, as is why the Sydney Opera House is currently being evacuated. 
  • The hostages being held against the window with a flag; it is not an Islamic State flag. 
  • There are fears bombs are throughout the city. 
  • Sydney Harbour Bridge is down, buses and trains re-routed.

I’m really sorry I can’t say any more as there’s a lot of false information being carried around but I’ll be reblogging a lot to do with the situation as it happens to keep you all informed. Its hard to trust the media as its very opinionated. 

I’m terrified. I just got a call from my friend and she’s okay and she’s trying to safely get to my house. Both she and I work in the city very close to Martin Place. 

I’m praying for their safety.

This is literally all we know right now. Others on tumblr need to stop spreading misinformation

you know how people are stopping reblogging tumblr videos bc of yahoo trying to make this a video site

i feel like posting photo posts would also help? because yahoo’s doing it because video posts are growing twice as fast as photos, so maybe making more photo posts AND reducing traffic on videos would send the message more, idk

like i feel like the growing video post thing is almost entirely because of people reposting vines to tumblr (i’ve certainly seen loads more tumblr videos than i ever did before vines were a thing) which imo might drop actually, because you can embed vines now?

but like if there was a thing like a 30 day challenge or something, just something that got people to post loads of pictures, it would really help send the message to yahoo

quickly posting some rvb speculation bc i want to be able to say i called it if i’m right

ok so felix right in an episode a while ago (idk exactly when) when he’s talking to tucker about how he gets paid/how tucker cares about people, he’s like “everyone has their price, i learned that a long time ago” which esp. with his tone of voice seems kind of weird

basically what i get from that is someone he trusted betrayed him. which is interesting for a bunch of reasons:

  • it means at some point he trusted someone enough to still feel emotional about it some time later (presumably this event happened before he started working for kimball, or we’d have heard about it)
  • which is interesting as well bc felix as we see him now would absolutely not trust anyone that much
  • so it’s possible he was more trusting/maybe a nicer guy some time in the past
  • so maybe he isn’t stuck being an amoral asshole forever???