Yes, Black Girls Rock, but…which ones? The ones with light skin and loose curls? The ones with big asses and small waists? The ones with light eyes and no lumps or cellulite? How about black girls who wear Hijab? How about trans black girls? How about queer black girls? How about fat black girls? You can’t advocate for only nice-bodied, light skin, long haired instagram girls lmao you gotta advocate for ALL of us.
defend brown girls who are now scared go wear their hijabs and burqas and niqabs outside because they feel they will be targeted
defend brown girls who wear hijabs and burqas and niqabs outside and are harassed and called terrorists
defend brown girls who are told to go back to where they came from whenever they wear a bindi outside or wear any traditional clothes
defend brown girls who are being harassed and racially profiled because of their clothing and their appearance
it’s so wild how black youth aren’t allowed to have rebellious phases because it’s assumed once we display any sort of criminal behavior that’s all we’re ever going to amount to
meanwhile white kids damn near be doing 5 stars in grand theft auto shit and it’s chalked up to teen angst instead of genetics
it’s not fair and I hate it
fellow white people, please do not take the “i can’t breathe” chant re: eric garner. it is not about us.
it’s HE can’t breathe. THEY can’t breathe.
we can breathe. use your breath to make their voices louder, not ours.
yes, it’s especially important that you do, because we’re the ones who need to hush, listen and amplify