she left a ten paragraph suicide note where she talked extensively about how it was her parents’ fault for the way they dealt with her dysphoria and then a separate post where she writes to the people in her life and the line to her parents is “Mom and Dad: Fuck you. You can’t just control other people like that.” and yet her mom goes on social media and says her son was out walking and was accidentally hit by a truck
I want a fucking movement.
I want protests and laws and reforms and programs for trans and nonbinary rights.
I want transgender and nonbinary deaths to make just as many people angry as it did for Micheal Brown or Eric Garner.
I want more people to be educated on how gender works so we never have to have another slaughter like this again.
Make a big fucking deal about this. Don’t shut up about it. Give these deaths meaning. Give the world hell.
Leelah’s final wish was for everything she had to go towards transgender charities. Due to the circumstances it’s doubtful her parents will follow through with her wishes. Please consider donating to places like TransOhio, Kaleidoscope Youth Center, or Trans Lifeline in her honor.
To add onto this, Trans Women of Color Collective, Trans Youth Support Network, and Trans Student Educational Resources.
unfollow me if you support leelah alcorn’s parents. unfollow me if you think transgender teens are just going through a “phase”. unfollow me if you feel “neutral”. unfollow me right now if you feel anything other than disgust and rage at what’s happening.