

stop saying “73 STUDENTS IN MEXICO ARE NOW MISSING” its pissing me off bc
1. ur info is outdated the “new” missing students went missing around july
2. there is more than that there is literally thousands of students missing its happening everyday
3.stop confusing people and read the sources for shit

did u guys bother reading this LOL


EGYPT ‘2014


THAILAND ‘2014image





MEXICO ‘2014




BRAZIL ‘2014






I’m sorry about this but…



I’ll be the biggest hypocrite if I cry and cry about Ferguson while ignoring what’s happening in my home country.

Tumblr has a terrible rep for ignoring the issues in Latin American countries. 43 students were killed in Mexico. Many more bodies were found. Women continue to be murdered. The police is disguising themselves as protestors and committing violent acts to “prove” the protests are not in the interest of the students.

The tragedy and injustice in Ferguson deserves the attention it’s getting and more, but who will speak for my people if not those of us who can?

Do not forget Ayotzinapa.
Please read up on this:

This article explains who the victims were:

Do not trust: mainstream Mexican media (Televisa, Univision, etc), Time Magazine, New York Times, Latin times. Do not trust any media that seems to take a neutral stance on this. Do not trust any media that displays Peña Nieto as someone who cares.
He and his family were in China while protests erupted in Mexico. His wife was recently discovered to own an 8 million DOLLAR house. Not pesos, dollars. She claims she paid for it herself, when the biggest Hollywood stars don’t make that much.
Here’s a satirical article on that (in Spanish):

The US government doesn’t care about it’s black people. The Mexican government doesn’t care about anyone below upper middle class. We are murdered and the media tells us “this isn’t a big deal”. The media is dividing Mexico and creating apathy to keep us from uniting against our Government.
Support a coup d’état in Mexico. Spread the news. Do not give in to apathy.

It would be good to note this isn’t the only case of disgusting violence caused by our goverment. This isn’t the only crime against students or the middle class that ended in murder and injustice. This isn’t the first time our goverment works with the organized crime to get away with something. This has happened before. Many times. People in our goverment have gotten away with mass murder, money laundering, kidnapping, and drug related crimes among other things. Ayotzinapa is only one of many.

Other examples of goverment/police/military abuse and violence:

  • The Tlatelolco Massacre, October 2, 1968 College students pacific protests showed discontet towards the goverment, and President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz sent the army to gun them down. The goverment’s control over the media back then was so huge that, to this date, we still don’t know the exact number of unarmed civilians that were killed.
  • Aguas Blancas Massacre, June 28, 1995 17 farmers killed, 21 harmed after they were ambushed by police on their way to protest against the state’s negligence towards the country side. They wanted to demand food, schools, hospitals and drinking water.
  • Acteal Massacre, December 22, 1997 Paramilitary group murders an indigenous pacific group attending a prayer meeting. 45 people killed, including pregnant women and children.
  • Police Brutality, San Salvador Atenco, 2006  Flower merchants had a second encounter with police. They used violence again, killing two protestors, randomly arresting more than 140 people and then sexually assaulting over 25, including elders and minors. Our now president used to be the governor of the state of Mexico back then and did nothing about it.
  • Hermosillo Daycare Fire, 2009 A warehouse operated by the state government was burned down to destroy documents of the public debt of the state. The daycare next to it (federally funded without the proper safety measurements) caught fire as well. 49 toddlers died in result.

(x) full video in spanish (warning, blood and strong images)

We started off demanding justice in the name of the families of the Ayotzinapa students, but this has evolved into an anger that has reminded mexicans what our goverment has done to its people before. We are sick of living like this. None of us can trust neither the police nor the army since most of them are corrupt and vicious and will do more damage than good to the citizens.

We have suffered this abuse and fear for as long as we can remember, but it just keeps getting worse. This is the ONE TIME the whole world is listening to us, to our story. Please don’t let those voices fade away.

Please keep spreading the word and keep us in your prayers, because this violence is far from over.


The scary part of what’s happening in Mexico is that while looking for the bodies of the 43 missing students they have found out massive clandestine graveyards with a lot of bodies and they are like “well, this aren’t the missing students”. Then who are they?

They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.

Banner carried by student protester in Mexico

Thinking on the disappearance and deaths of the students in Mexico and the fighters for liberation throughout history and around the globe who faced the same fate – including my own people in the Philippines. May you rest in power.

The struggle burns ever more brightly for you.

(via litany-for-survival)