


when someone mentions Pearl Discourse i always think about how the MSPA forums have had a series of Vriska Quarantine Threads for literal years now because otherwise every discussion eventually turned into a giant Vriska argument

case in point:


these threads last 100 pages, or up to 2500 posts each before a new one is made. so it could be much worse

the mere fact this vriska argument went on for 42,500 posts and still going is a good estimate of human nature

i see this and raise you the neopets plot discussion thread:

threads get locked at ~500 posts so that’s 2,577,000 posts over 11 years




My favourite thing is when taxonomists use the ultimate descriptor for some new species because I just know that one day they’re gonna find something that is more that one thing and it’s gonna be the colossal/giant squid problem all over again. Two thousand years of calling what is definitely the biggest squid ever “the giant squid” and then somebody finds a bigger one

Giant squid

Colossal squid

Gargantuan squid

Behemoth squid

Ginormous squid

Big squid

Bigger squid

Biggest squid

Giantass squid




my exact sense of humor is screenshots of neoboard interactions and weird cynical commentary on the state of neopets by its veteran players. like for instance this picture annihilates me every time I think about it