psa to white people


how/when to use the acronym PoC / poc / POC:

  • not in front of a noun. why would you say “PoC author” when you can say “author of colour”? poc isnt an adjective. similarly, “poc” + noun should just be noun + “of colour”
  • not pluralised like PoCs. you know people of colour is already plural. (people of colour)s makes no sense. stop.
  • not when you’re referring to a specific race. just say black or asian or whatever. there is no “poc” experience. cease.
  • do use it when you’re talking about people who aren’t white. even tho it’s not strictly a dichotomy, saying “not white” places white as the default.

tldr just stop throwing it around like it’s an adjective + stop being embarrassing





if you beat a level 100 blissey with a traded pokemon holding a lucky egg you gain 457,970 exp points

which is enough to get some pokemon from level 1 to level 87 from one pokemon

Yo can we get someone to let their blissey be a punching bag?

So like considering that that Shiny Beldum we’ve all got on ORAS is technically a traded pokemon……..