i wonder if the rooms were soundproof pre-despair. like what if at first they didn’t but the students decided to install soundproof paneling midway through the first school year because of an entirely non-junko-related incident, ie “it’s three in the morning and leon won’t stop screaming the lyrics to rockstar by nickelback”
i just made some sort natural of mp3 player charger??? using only fruits and copper and and it worked
i mean
look at this fucking thing
you’re either a complete genius
you should be burnt at the stake…
Does this mean that when the apocalypse hits we’ll still have ipods and cell phones?
bookmarking for the apocalypse
the potato alarm clocks and shit will have uses beyond their intial means
all information leaked about pokemon x/y mega evolutions was a lie to keep us from finding out that the real mega forms are the just the same pokemon with longer legs
I see no difference with Blaziken
still not seeing it…
if you ever think mythology is boring or serious business or whatever shit
just remember that cerberus, the hell-hound and guard dog of the underworld, comes from the root indo-european word ḱerberos, which evolved into the greek word kerberos, which got changed to cerberus when it went from greek to latin
ḱerberos means “spotted”
that’s right
hades, lord of the dead, literally fucking named his pet dog spot