YES god i know right !!! i read those tags and i was like AGREE AGREE AGREE & then i saw the last one. its not even something i like the look of but it’s so fascinating??? omg

i think maybe it’s how it’s so ordered? like every room is the same but bc different people live there they’re all individual, but still fitting into this big pattern idk


the moment you realize
that your bones are made of the same dust
as the planets, 
your lungs are breathing the same air
as the migrating butterflies,
and your blood is pumping because
of the love and care of thousands;

is when you realize
that you are not as broken
as you think you are. 
you are full
of the world. 

yyyyyyeeeeessss. i do need to do that!!

did you go to florence or rome?? because florence is so beautiful oh my god

also when we were in florence we took a day trip to siena and that was also amazing aaah

but I wish tony had taken more photos 🙁

although in all the italian cities there were towers you could climb up and take photos from so we have pictures of like the whole city, it’s amazing

yes frances you’ve definitely gotten better at not boring everyone’s pants off with it but MY GOD the names i gave your neopets :(((( omf

I still regret my username

it’s four years later and the regret has only increased

i think I’ve gotten better at not talkign only about the thing i’m interested in in general?? like i try not to talk about homestuck or minecraft or whatever if the person i’m talking to isn’t interested

beth do you mean this:

because that was awesome