what should i get as my nickname on my year 12 jumper

i’m looking up whether i can wear trousers…

wait you’re only allowed to wear pants at certain times of year?? what???

yeah we have a different uniform depending on what term it is

term ¼ (summer uniform): ugly shorts or skirt (dress for years 7-10), white shirt, white socks, optional jumper

term 2/3 (winter uniform): ugly pants or skirt (it’s a different skirt), white shirt, stockings optional jumper, blazer to and from school and during assembly and chapel, optional plain black coat but only if you are also wearing a blazer for some reason

and then there’s a totally different uniform for guys

hey beth and iris: i was thinking of nicknaming my togekiss castiel, but since i haven’t gotten to cas yet can you tell me if that would be horribly out of character?