Because, quite frankly, it had to be done…
Camel camel
I took one look at this, and all I could think was —
Well, if we’re aiming for a set…
hey if you teach your parrot to say ‘parrot’ it’s probably as close as you’ll get to owning a pokemon
My brother tells a story about his roommate’s parrot, that everyone who came to the house would say “you’re a bird!” to it so the bird would repeat the phrase back, no big. Until one day my brother was alone in the house with it and heard it say, very quietly, “I’m a bird.” My brother almost dropped a plate.
but my fave part of the entire series will forever be the ent who gets set on fire dunking his head in the water
#on the same level as the dude who hits the propeller in titanic
Okay so today in Chemistry this kid Roman was walking across the room to get something and he tripped and this one girl immediately shouts “THE EMPIRE HAS FALLEN” and i cried
Okay so today in Chemistry this kid Roman was walking across the room to get something and he tripped and this one girl immediately shouts “THE EMPIRE HAS FALLEN” and i cried