Kill the myth that Mexicans and Blacks cause the most rape in the USA




I’ve been pretty mad the last couple of days.  From Donald Trump saying that all Mexicans are rapists and criminals (except that few “good ones”) to that white terrorist saying that blacks are rapists that are taking over this country. 

I’ve done some digging and apparently white men are more likely to rape and cause sexual assault in this country.  Not Blacks, Mexicans, Asians, etc. but White men.  And its hardly a contest about 65% of rapists in 2012 were white. Yea just let that sink in. 

 Here are some Sources:

Like seriously, this country is founded on the white man’s obsession with conquest, which largely consisted of the plundering and rape of both slaves and natives and you wanna tell me the privilege of getting away with it then doesn’t carry over now?

not to undermine the fact that white men suck but this makes perfect sense considering some 62% of americans are white

could we talk about the incredibly high chance of natives getting raped because thats fucked up. also black people are slightly likelier than white people (this is all america centric i think)



While there are countries that gave its people new and unprecedented rights. here in Australia we have our rights taken from us, with same sex marriage still not being legalized, increased surveillance, threats of loss of citizenship, religious persecutions, censorship of public owned media, deportation and offshore detention of refugees, financial persecution of university students, de-funding of schools and hospitals and disclosure of aboriginal communities.

don’t forget labor’s

just voted with the coalition government to ensure there’s no mandatory requirement to report sexual abuse of children in offshore detention centres, something which is known to be happening right now



Also, I really need white men to stop justifying their racist violence by saying that “black men are raping white women”. You know what demographic rapes the most white women, by far? White men. White men who the white woman knows. White boyfriends, white guy friends, white family members, white schoolmates.

And yet I’ve yet to see any of our self-appointed saviors murder a bunch of random white guys because they could be our potential rapists. Funny how that works.


We – and by we, I mean, white feminists – need to talk about how Dylann Storm Roof, the Charleston terrorist, used white female purity to justify murdering black people. 

“I have to do it,” he said. “You rape our women.” 

This myth – that black men rape and assault white women – has been used to justify the murder of black people for centuries. It was used to justify lynchings. It was used to justify slavery. It is still used today.  

And white feminists absolutely NEED TO REPUDIATE this myth, because white women’s tacit approval – and sometimes vocal agreement – with this myth is part of what allows this terrorism to happen. 

People like Dylann Storm believe white women need to be protected from black men. 

We don’t. 

I stand in solidarity with the black community, not with people like Dylann Storm. He does not speak for me. 

(100% inspired LaKeyma Pennyamon’s facebook post asking why white women haven’t already done this. Thank you.) 

New research shows 0.6% of rape allegations are false.

New research shows 0.6% of rape allegations are false.