Things Happen

Prime Minister Tony Abbott on sexual assaults in Australia’s offshore detention facilities [x]
(via aryousavvy)


just so we’re clear there has been more child molesters to win the oscar for best director than there have been women of color to even be nominated

Warning for the new movie Horns on netflix


There’s a really, really, really graphic rape scene toward the end (there was about 36 minutes left of the movie).

It’s disgustingly graphic and it goes on for a while, I just skipped about 15 minutes to be safe.

Please reblog this and let everyone know, it caused an extremely violent panic attack for me, I don’t know how other people will reactr

School system today




Earlier this month a guy at my school got caught with weed and was expelled. A week ago a guy raped a girl during school hours on school property and all he got was a warning.

this needs more awareness

This happened at my school too. My principle spent two hours trying to convince me to tell the cops it was my friend (the victim)s fault.