1 in 5 women experience rape or assault.
In Russian roulette there is (typically) a 1 in 6 chance of being shot.
It’s safer to play Russian roulette than be a women.
Think about that.
It’s Monday. I’m going home at 6pm and a middle aged man and a teenage boy are the only people left on the bus with me. I consider the fact that because the driver is also a man I am the only person left on the bus with the correct genetic makeup for boobs. I’m automatically scared, scared because of my own anatomy. I wonder how old I was when I realized that my own body was going to be the cause of the constant anxiety and fear I feel in situations like this. I get off at the last stop and the older man smiles at me while following me up the street. His smile drips, drips, drips and my heart is pounding, pounding, pounding. He turns off down another road, but I run the rest of the way home.
Not all men.
I’m at home on a Tuesday, beginning to plan the travels I want to go on next year. I dream of wandering the streets and meeting strangers. I just can’t wait to escape the city I’ve lived in for 17 long years. But… my mum is hesitant. She’s forever worried about the danger that being a young girl traveling alone can bring. I’ll be alone and she’s scared. Surely I’m invincible. I feel invincible. But I know, I know this danger is real and I can’t help but think to myself, if I feel unsafe in my own city, how am i going to feel in a strange place with strange men who don’t speak the same language as me? If I was my brother planning this, I would probably just be wondering if European girls are going to be hot.
Not all men.
Wednesday is a beautiful sunny day but I’ve always been told that I don’t have a “nice enough body” to wear a bikini on the beach. Ever since I was 6 years old I’ve thought that having tummy fat was ugly. That skin that doesn’t have a perfectly golden glow is undesirable. I amble to a clear patch of sand in my one piece and I can feel pairs of eyes latching onto me. Hairy men in speedos who I don’t look twice at eat into my body with their stares. I’m a piece of meat. I am a piece of meat? I am here for their amusement. Please don’t let me be eaten alive.
Not all men.
Thursday night two friends and I are walking to our god damn school dance when we hear “Jesus look at you! You sluts heading to a pole?” These words snarl out of the mouth of a respectably dressed man and we stop in horror. Shivers roll up my back in fear. It’s dark. We are alone. What. Do. We. Do??? One of us pulls the finger back. I can never be sure how quickly a sexist man can get angry so we walk quickly away. We’re angry, so so angry. But also so… deflated. I wonder if we deserve this shame.
Not all men.
Sitting on the internet, Friday night and scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed:
“Haha, good job at the game today bro. You RAPED them!”
“Damn with tits like that, you’re asking for it :P”Another sexist comment…
Another sexist comment…
Another sexist comment…I’m shrinking and shrinking and shrinking and I want to CRY because these boys don’t realize how small they make me feel with just pressing a few keys. I see these boys on the streets, I talk to these boys, I laugh with these boys. Dear GOD, dear GOD i hope these boys don’t think actions speak louder than words…
Not all men.
Three rules that have been drilled into me since I was young run through my mind at 1.30am on a Satur… Sunday Morning:
-Don’t ever talk to strange men
-Don’t ever be alone at night in a strange place
-Don’t ever get into a car with a strangerI break all 3 of these laws as I pull open the taxi door. Making light conversation with the driver, he doesn’t see my sweaty hand clutching the small pocket knife I keep hidden on me at all times. He doesn’t even realize the fear I feel at his mere presence. He cannot comprehend it, he never will. How easy would this 15 minute car ride be if I was born a boy?
Not all men.
It comes to Sunday, another snoozy, sleepy, Sunday and someone has the AUDACITY to tell me not all men are rapists. I say nothing.
I’m a 17 year old girl.
When I am walking alone and it’s dark, it’s all men.
When I am in a car with a man I don’t know well, it’s all men.
When men drunkenly leer at me on the streets, it’s all men.
When a boy won’t leave me alone at a party, it’s all men.Not all men are rapists. But for a young girl like me? Every one of them has the potential to be.
when rape is the girls fault
- when she is the rapist
when rape is the guys fault
- when he is the rapist
Always reblog this
As a guy in terrified. If I piss a woman off, all she has to do is falsely accuse me of rape, then my life will be ruined. I’ll be labeled a sex offender and go to prison, because the judge always listens to the woman as they see her as a damsel in distress. I’m terrified. The accusations are happening more and more because of feminism. This is why we need Men’s Rights.
As a woman I’m terrified. If I piss a man off, he might threaten, assault, rape, beat, batter, or murder me; then my life will be ruined. I’ll be labeled a “slut” who “wanted it” and have my character dragged through the mud, either by law officers, my friends and/or family, or the court of public opinion, because of rape culture. Violence against women is happening more and more because of men like you. We are literally being killed, tortured, and abused by male entitlement.
This is why we need Feminism.
If judges “Always listen to the woman” then why is it that 97% of rapists are not punished even when they have been convicted? And although nearly one in evry five women actually does report being raped, anywhere from 54% to 90% of rapes go unreported, because women know that 94% of reported cases don’t end in a conviction, they typically end in the woman being accused of being a slut, sometimes facing massive social shaming that can end in serious consequences, such as academic retaliation if you accuse the wrong boy at school, further sexual violence and even discharge from the military if you report your C.O., and the ever-present fear that a man you accuse will come after you, rape you again, beat you, possibly even kill you—and if they didn’t care the first time, why would they care if it happens again?
Trust me, sweetheart. your fear is completely unfounded. Men do not need activists for their rights. Men need to wake the fuck up to the privilege and rights they already have and stop acting like scared children every time the faintest whisper of a glimmer of what it must be like to be a woman threatens to become even the faintest part of their reality.
Reblogging because this is a fantastic round up of stats, and I thoroughly appreciate the work that went into finding all of these sources.
His Mother Must Be Proud.
Some of you may have come across the name Julien Blanc in the past few days. For those who haven’t, Julien Blanc (also goes by the name RSD Julien) is a pick up artist who works for the company Real Social Dynamics.
I first encountered Julien over the summer when we matched on Tinder.
(Credit: tinder)
This was a part of our conversation:
(link to the full convo bellow)
You can see our entire interaction here: http://tindersfinestbachelors.tumblr.com/post/94731409650/just-discovered-that-julien-is-julien-blanc
By the end of the conversation I came to two conclusions:
1. Julien is a creep with LOTS of issues.
2. Julien is a man (I use the term ‘man’ lightly) who REALLY hates women.A few weeks go by and my roommate receives the same opening message on OkCupid! Several weeks after that, a friend of mine comes across a screen grab of the exact same message posted on Facebook, but in Hebrew!
It was pretty clear that there was a site where “men” were getting these pick-up lines, so I decided, as any human with internet access would, to google Julien’s ridiculous message. Let’s just say I was not prepared for what I found.
That’s when I discovered his full name, Julien Blanc, and the RSD community.
The more time I spent researching Julien, the more angry and upset I became. Here’s a quick look at the conversations Julien has with girls on Tinder. Taken directly from his Facebook page where he flaunts his ability to pick up women:
Here he is lying about the death of his Father:
(Credit: RSD Julien’s FB Page)
Exactly. Why would someone lie about that!?
Here you can see how he uses a fake rape story to gain women’s sympathy:
(Credit: RSD Julien’s FB Page)
This is clearly all one big joke to Julien. He can behave this way because he simply doesn’t see women as human beings.
Some of you must have come across the Buzzfeed article published about Julien this week (Written by Mark Di Stefano). if you haven’t – it’s a must read.
Aside from harassing and violating women, we learn that Blanc is also a racist:
(Credit: Buzzfeed)
I can go on for days and days about how horrible Julien’s behaviour is, but instead, I thought I’d let his work speak for itself. Here are some tweets that I gathered from Julien’s twitter feed: (@RSDJulien)
Still reading?
#NotFunny #RapeCulture
What about now? Still reading? Upset? Furious? Unfortunately, there’s more.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTFFFFFF
I think It’d be easier to castrate you.
… and that’s Julien Blanc for you.
Julien’s minions will claim that he’s OBVIOUSLY kidding! OBVIOUSLY!
I think any sane person will think otherwise.
After reading Julien’s tweets, you’ve obviously asking yourself, “what can I do to shut this fucker down?”
Well, you can join the #takedownjulienblanc movement, started by Jennifer Li (@JennLi123) and help keep Julien out of your hometown.
So far, Julien and his RSD minions have been banned from 5 different hotels, all thanks to the uproar caused by the hashtag. The website Event Brite has also cut its ties to Julien Blanc and Real Social Dynamics.
I have one last thing to say to Julien. From me, and from women everywhere.
In San Francisco last year, a man stabbed a woman in the face and arm after she didn’t respond positively to his sexually harassing her on the street.
In Bradenton, Fla., a man shot a high school senior to death after she and her friends refused to perform oral sex at his request.
In Chicago, a scared 15-year-old was hit by a car and died after she tried escaping from harassers on a bus.
Again, in Chicago, a man grabbed a 19-year-old walking on a public thoroughfare, pulled her onto a gangway and assaulted her.
In Savannah, Georgia, a woman was walking alone at night and three men approached her. She ignored them, but they pushed her to the ground and sexually assaulted her.
In Manhattan, a 29-year-old pregnant woman was killed when men catcalling from a van drove onto the sidewalk and hit her and her friend.
Last week, a runner in California — a woman — was stopped and asked, by a strange man in a car, if she wanted a ride. When she declined he ran her over twice.
FUCK YOU if you think that street harassment is a “compliment” or “no big deal” or that it’s “irrational” of us to be afraid because “what’s actually gonna happen.” Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you some more.