i don’t want to be a part of a college system where plagiarism is a worse crime than rape
the statistic is NOT “1 in 3 native women will be raped in their lifetime”
the real statistic is “1 in 3 native women will be raped AT LEAST ONCE in their lifetime”
this is a very important distinction to make please make it known im serious. also its worth noting that 70% of our rapes are carried out by colombus’ crew aka white men. murders also happen more at the hands of white men. this is all important information and im pissed it was ignored in that photoset
Rape is the only crime on the books for which arguing that the temptation to commit it was too clear and obvious to resist is treated as a defence. For every other crime, we call that a confession.
I’ve gotten more angry asks about this post than I have actual reblogs.
I literally put my coffee down, stared at the screen and said “Holy shit…”
this is still my favorite post ever
“real men dont rape” actually, real men do rape. they do. men rape. it isn’t done by ~fake mythical special brand of evil~ men, it’s done by real men, men who may seem nice, men who you think you can trust, men you know, men who you’re close to. real men do rape. that’s the problem
Just be aware that Paul Ryan is trying to pass a bill that allows rapists to sue their rape victims if they get an abortion in a state that allows it. If this isn’t the most awful thing I’ll hear for the rest of the week, I don’t know what is.
Profit in Sexual Abuse on YouTube: It’s Google, Too.
Profit in Sexual Abuse on YouTube: It’s Google, Too.
So. This is going to be long. Strap in.
I’ve been a skosh slapdash about doing the appropriate reading, so I just caught up on all this Sam Pepper stuff. If you haven’t, watch the video I posted above by lacigreen. It is the basic rundown of what has gone on way too long.
Very short summary? There is a collection of male YouTubers making careers out of being assholes, which is no surprise: what was a surprise to me was to learn that some of them are uploading well-documented illegal behavior* (pinching women’s butts, wagging their penises at unsuspecting women, tying women up, handcuffing themselves to women, kissing women without consent, and even in one broadcast what appears to be an actual physical assault – see the video above video for footage of ALL of these things). For their channels which include this well-documented illegal behavior, they
have been roundly rejected from the media platform and creator community before they could gain a foothold and then were served arrest warrants in their homeshave made money and gained fans.In the wake of the clamor caused by this well-documented illegal behavior, women have begun to come forward with stories of sexual assault, and in some cases rape, perpetrated by the makers of these videos. We, of course, now sit through silence from the alleged** offenders while their PR agents and legal teams – bought and paid for with the money they made by uploading videos including well-documented illegal behavior – circle the wagons and try to save their careers from ending and their lives from incarceration.
Now, I am not going to go into the heinous nature of their actions, though well-documented illegal behavior is the nicest terminology I could work up for it… and that’s because Laci Green is leading a movement inside and outside the YouTube community on that topic, and she does it best.
There’s another element of it all that has been eating at me. I’ve said five times now how YouTube is hosting this illegal activity and allowing these execrable people and their copycats to prosper and potentially become famous off of it. YouTube itself is prospering from it. And now these little twerps, these putrescent skin-sacks impersonating actual humans, are walking TV studios, with teams and assistants and editors and agents and managers. With power and influence to scare victims into silence. Who reach millions upon millions of people inside of a keystroke and can drum up a tidal wave of support for almost anything they do, including and most importantly…yes…well-documented illegal behavior.
So here is my question.
Where is Google/YouTube in all of this?
[I had to put it under a cut. It’s kind of really really long.]
All so accurate.
Also, thanks for the shout, girl <3
False rape accusations are an anomaly.
True rape accusations are a norm.
You’re, quite literally, more likely to be killed by a comet than falsely accused of rape.
Re-blog now, read later.
“Because 1 in 33 men will be raped in his lifetime, men are 82,000x more likely to be raped than falsely accused of rape. It seems many of us would do well to pay more attention to how rape culture affects us all than be paranoid about false accusers.”
I am shaking after watching this video. This is so upsetting. So brave of this person to come forward. This goes deeper than YouTube. Sam Pepper needs to face criminal charges immediately.
Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
She’s so brave, I hope this vile creature gets locked up and the key thrown away
Fuck that dude what a vile being
holy shit and people want to talk about how his videos are just jokes. this fucker is sick. and everyone think its normal.
My god…