hey here’s a nice little post to remind you all that in this time of grieving, we should remember all of monty’s accomplishments too
was hired by Namco games in 2008 as a combat designer/animator for afro samurai
created what has been called “the most interesting Halo-related fan movie in existence” in 2007
made a 5 episode Dead Fantasy fan series in the same year
created RWBY, a show with diverse characters, female leads, a lack of demeaning tropes, groundbreaking animation, a new take on story telling. before the show was even created, the “Red Trailer” accumulated millions of views, and Monty had been sitting on the idea for years, his creative mind coming up with a show that has touched millions.
alongside that, created the first american-made anime that would be dubbed officially in Japan, something that’s never happened before and is such a groundbreaking accomplishment in itself
was so loved by community and fandom that the $50,000 goal for his hospital expenses in under 45 minutes
and then tripled that amount in 24 hours
even though he dropped out of high school he accomplished all this and is just another case in that your high school education does not define you and is not the end all be all to means of success
inspired so many people who are going to go on and do amazing things and be able to list monty oum as one of their inspirations
this list literally could go on forever and i can never list enough of what this man has done not only for me, as an artist and a creator, but for the world.
Thank you, Monty. Thank you so much for the impact you’ve made. You will never be forgotten.
Who was Monty? Monty was the personification of motivation, determination and resolve. He was the man who never slowed down, who always wanted his life to be efficient, quick and as productive as possible. To those of you that never knew Monty, it might be hard to imagine to what…
remember that time monty got the cops called on him in starbucks and made jokes about being “a shady asian guy looking at weapons on his computer”
remember when monty had to mop up the mess he made after putting the wrong soap in the dishwasher
remember how monty used to dress like a freaking anime character every day
remember when monty “got bored” and put on mocap suits and made a Cinder/Yang dance off?
remember blaine wanting to make a funny vine w/ monty but monty made him redo it multiple times just because he wanted his head bobbing to be perfect to the music?
remember how pleased monty was basing one of the RWBY characters off a K-Pop star
remember what a romantic he was not only setting up Meg and Gavin like a sneaky little shit but also that time he helped michael buy all the pink wrapping paper at CVS and walmart to cover Lindsay’s desk in for her birthday
remember monty using rebel the dog to pull his chair along and roll all over the office
remember him showing up on the podcast to talk about RWBY and for Red Black and White he pointed to parts of his outfit and hair and then for Yellow pointed to himself
remember ninja master monty teaching gavin and michael the ways of fruit ninja and being the most hilarious walk-on deadpan guest on the podcast
we can all appreciate all the groundbreaking and inspiring things monty has done, and how dedicated he’s been to bringing his creations to the world, but we should all remember the hilarious things that made monty who he was.
i’m sobbing and shaking and i honestly can’t believe it i don’t want to believe it
the website was down so i searched monty oum on google and found this on a blog he kept. he wrote this after his mother’s passing and i think it’s something we all need to hear right now.