no but
genderfluid/nb Dakota twins who switch places to confuse people and annoy the hell out of the Director
also trans Dakota twins who were like ‘yeah mum you still have a son and a daughter it’s just the other way around’
okay but why hasn’t anyone drawn either carolina or tex in this hat
they were number 1
Okay hear me out.
If Maine did survive through to season 13 and is in custody, imagine him getting out and finding Wash and Carolina. They’re wary and super protective of the BG gang around Maine so they don’t let him hang around inside the base.
Now imagine Maine leaving dead or beaten up mercs outside Wash’s room like a cat trying to get back in his good books.
Felix throws a large temper tantrum when he realises all their scouts are being picked off as fucking gifts Locus we are not paid enough for this shit
“I guess this mission is going south. Let’s hope it turns north soon.”
"I don’t care-olina.
No no I didn’t mean it babe. It was for the pun. Babe. Babe. Ily babe please.”“Why-oming would you hate me? You make more jokes than I do!”
"Hey Connie. I really want some Earl Grey but can’t find any. Do you see tea?”
"Hey sweetheart. You wanna give me your phone number? I promis I won’t tex-t you too much.”
"Guys if I die please don’t replace me. I don’t want there to be a new York.”
"David, you smell. Go take a wash.”
"Hey big guy. You’re my maine man.”
“Direct-or your hate elsewhere guys. These puns are fantastic; I don’t need a counselor!”
#and finally Carolina gets fed up and punches him #he makes a really dumb pun #and she can no longer control herself #while laughing she tells him to never change #then in a rare moment of senementality she kisses the black eye starting to form #please i love this #write a one shot or something #please (via brbfangirlattack)
yes i like u
I appreciate the rvb fandom for shipping because where the heck else am I gonna get a nerdy cyborg disabled dude dating an obese Hawaiian man with a Blade tattoo
Literally nowhere that’s where
#where am I gonna get a fandom where this is literally one of the most popular ships either #like no fandom goes YEAH LOOK AT THIS REALLY REALLY FAT POC AND HIS DISABLED BOYFRIEND #except this one
Why Sheila is important
- First ever female character on RVB
- She packed bbagged lunches for the Reds and Blues
- She is a giant tank and how did she do it without arms
- She adopted Simmons when Red Team kicked him out
- “My sensors indicate thats wrong and my bullshit meter agrees”