theory: agent wyoming’s accent started as an experiment to see how long he could fake it before someone called him out. he’s still waiting
Grif and Simmons would marry each other for the tax benefits
If Wash and Church were trapped somewhere together, I’m pretty sure they’d just need to argue until their combined high-pitched rage broke all the windows and freed them.
omog pls i am a red
here’s a poem in response:
We’re not in the gulch,
And you must be new,
Get outta here red,
Come back when you’re blue
You’re a dirty blue,
You’ve been so mislead.
You deserve to know;
The better army is red.
So you think you know best?
What you say is not true,
It’s the reds that are dirty,
Now lets hear it for Blue.
Now everyone calm down,
I’ve got the real answer,
Why Reds and Blues,
When you’ve got Project Freelancer?
You’re all wrapped up,
In your petty red versus blue,
Bow down to the real power,
Robot Army is coming for you!
We should all stop fighting,
And this may come as a shock,
But it needs to be but down in writing,
The best team is just Doc
I like Freckles and I like juice
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