rvb fandom: we have here two morally corrupt genocidal mercenaries
rvb fandom: who have betrayed the protagonists
rvb fandom: and their adorkable rebel friends
rvb fandom: and tried to kill everyone we love
rvb fandom:
rvb fandom:
rvb fandom: let’s imagine them running a flower shop together
rvb fandom: as boyfriends


theory: agent wyoming’s accent started as an experiment to see how long he could fake it before someone called him out. he’s still waiting


No but do you ever just really really thing about Sarge and his team trying to do anything even remotely like actually attack the Blue Team back when Agent Florida was still alive like… just imagine Florida working very hard to foil their plans but always make it look like an accident, not like he actually knew what he was doing.

Florida only being badass when it’s just Sarge watching. To literally everyone else Butch Flowers is just some goofy cheery Captain, but to Sarge and Sarge alone he is BLUE NINJA DEATH.


955. A group of muggleborns who are fans of Red vs. Blue and Halo manage to get hold of the quaffle and figure out how to enchant it so that during Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw quidditch games the chaser holding it turns orange. Other muggleborns catch on pretty quick, but the purebloods are left confused. What’s ‘grifball’? Why are they orange? What do you mean they explode?!

Why Sheila is important


  1. First ever female character on RVB
  2. She packed bagged lunches for the Reds and Blues
  3. She is a giant tank and how did she do it without arms
  4. She adopted Simmons when Red Team kicked him out
  5. “My sensors indicate thats wrong and my bullshit meter agrees”