That whole Locus issue
This is right after I talked about being uncomfortable with talking on my blog, but it’s important, especially after the very recent issues in the fandom regarding mental illness.
Locus has a lot of autistic traits. Like, a lot.
I’m going to state from the beginning that none of this is an excuse for Locus’s actions, or even a valid explanation for a lot of them. Locus is an intelligent person who is capable of making informed value judgements, and who knowingly decided to kill a lot of people. Autistic people need rules in order to function in a world that is not made for them, algorithms by which they can execute behaviours, which they may not be able to instinctively recognise and might need explicitly spelled out to them. An autistic person might need to be told that it’s not nice to hurt people because it didn’t occur to them on their own, but with few exceptions unless certain comorbid mental illnesses are involved (according to wikipedia, anyway; correct me if I’m in error) they’re able to grasp concepts like that if they have the ability to grasp other rules of interaction.
This gets both spoilery and personal, so I’m putting it under a cut for the sake of friends who haven’t caught up yet. Please read it if you care about Locus and/or neurodiversity in RvB. Talk of autism spectrum disorders, PTSD, and ableism. (I’m posting this from mobile, so here’s hoping nothing fucks up. It ended up at over 3k words long. Sorry. I think I managed to make it mostly organised, at least.)
Deah Chahman: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking
Im trying to not burst into laughter in the middle of the break room at work I hate you so much anon this is perfect
rane0 read this copypasta PLEASE :3
I will have to do this as soon as the Director voice is working. It’s off tonight.
Hey guys, remember that
- Tucker knew Church was an AI before he did
- Tucker could tell after listening in for ten minutes that Grif and Simmons were secretly married
- Tucker was the one who found the kickass super alien sword and learned how to use it
- Tucker killed Wyoming in Season 5
- Tucker and his alien progeny became ambassadors for human/alien relations and science
- Tucker fought off “CT” and the goons of (what turned out to be) Charon Industries for weeks in the middle of the desert with no backup
- Tucker called out Epsilon!Church for obsessively following Texas down through multiple layers of existence, booting him in the ass to break the destructive cycle and stop being a creepy robot stalker as well
- Tucker was the one who (we can assume) thought to put Wash in Church’s old armor to hide him, realizing that despite the fucked up things he’d done Washington had been used in horrible ways by PFL and the UNSC and gave him another chance
- Tucker calling out Epsilon!Church (again) after he and Carolina left them
- Tucker standing up for Washington to Epsilon!Church
- Tucker learning from his mistakes
- Tucker apologizing to Epsilon!Church while at the same time sticking up for himself/not falling back to their old “lets be assholes to each other instead of talking about anything” routine
- Tucker being inspired by Washington, Carolina, and Kimball to work at being a great leader
- Tucker putting together the plan that put his life on the line to reveal Felix and Locus is literally just the most recent in a long line of rad-as-fuck things he’s done as a character
- Tucker not being a one note character and showing the most growth out of any of the Blood Gulch Crew
Yeah but think about the freelancers playing laser tag
Just watch Maine sneak in a real laser
technically felix and locus are halloween themed because felix has a skull on his helmet
and locus’s mouth piece kind of looks like a skeleton
I’m so sorry