yeah, i mean gamzee was on dirks planet when it fucking exploded so i dunno if his plot armor was still applicable at that point? probably but theres like 20 reasons for why he survived and 20 more for why he wouldn’t..? as for the trolls who didn’t god tier, it’s theoretically possible for roxy to use her void powers to get all the things they need to god tier but idk if they’d even want to go through with that (because i think it would involve creating dream selves??)

was he?? idk. whatever i honestly don’t care all that much if gamzee is alive

with the crypt quest beds u dont need a dream self, you just gotta die on it. tho you still have to die to god tier, that never stopped being a thing

yeah i think it’s likely that when john touched the door everyone was transported including vriska & aradia. gamzee is the really debatable one, he might not have survived that long??

why would gamzee not have survived that long? isn’t he unkillable

sollux is probably also there then

ya composition is always hard. something i think helps is i find pictures or drawings of people in a similar pose and warp my drawing so that it fits it better. it’s a good place to start at least. good luck!

yeah my problem is that i half know composition? so i know if it looks good or not, and kinda what i should do. but it’s like, my brain says there should be a big object there. what object? what random ass thing should i cram in there?

yeeeeeesssssssss i am very excited to see how this turns out! it looks cool already. whats your colour scheme gonna look like?

i might not end up finishing it. like i really want to but when i draw humans/group scenes i get waaaay overcritical

re colours like. idk. colours are hard. it’ll probably take like four hours to get them right. at least there are the canon colours to base it off i guess???