


…why…did people not like ORAS providing you with more information at your fingertips?

Why are people worried that this will be how things work in Sun/Moon?

You guys realize this game is marketing to KIDS, right? That anyone older than 12 is an added bonus for Nintendo if they buy the game?

Streamlining things is always a good thing, honestly. It helps make the game less frustrating, more relaxing, and easier to enjoy. I fail to see the problem, here. Yeah, fine, some new features may seem like hand-holding, but those are for the KIDS, so the TARGET AUDIENCE can get used to the game first, but that won’t make the games any LESS FUN.

Pokemon has never been a series about being hyper-competitive or super knowledgeable about stuff. Sure, there are people who think so, but it’s mostly been a casual game for EVERYONE to enjoy. That’s the POINT.

Pokemon can be enjoyed by people who have never played a Pokemon game in their life? Now that’s just CRAZY talk o:

i mean like 

there’s also the fact that these features aren’t actually detrimental to people who do take Pokémon seriously, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being, as OP put it, hyper competitive 

like nothing has really changed here except that you have to remember slightly less stuff about what’s currently happening. that’s gonna be a benefit to a competitive player, not a detriment 

like in what situation is “your opponent can see what moves are super effective”, for example, going to be a problem in a competitive battle? if your opponent knows what they’re doing, they would have already had that information if it wasn’t written on screen. if part of your strategy involves “boy howdy i hope they don’t remember everything”, then it’s not a great strategy