How to Cast Young Han Solo


All right Disney, listen up:

1) Forget casting some charisma-free, milquetoast professional actor. 

2) Get in your car, and start driving around LA construction sites. 

3) Find the hottest guy there hammering nails.

4) Ask if he wants to be an actor.

5) If he shrugs and says, “Yeah, sure, I guess.”



*me, shaking my girlfriend awake at 3 am* it’s pretty fucked up that jar jar is almost solely responsible for palpatine’s rise to power. and how could jar jar have gone from outcast to general to senator so quickly? if he’s really a bumbling idiot, why would he get promoted like that? and how did his speech convince a divided senate to abandon democracy and give palpatine absolute power? the only explanation is that he was using force mind tricks to further the rise of the empire. jar jar is a sith lord. are you awake emily? he’s a sith


alright, so, C-3PO can speak in astromech binary, right? right.

consider: han saying something rude as all hell to C-3PO, and C-3PO beeps something under his metaphorical breath, han is like “what” and R2-D2′s just in the corner absolutely fucking losing it








People are finding mad examples of Jar Jar doing the Jedi Mind Trick and I’m so mad

i cant believe of all the theories in the world this was the one that was fucking canon

“As someone mentioned on reddit already, Jar Jar is a CG-rendered character, so every single motion he makes is deliberate. The animators intentionally directed his every gesture, his ever turn of head, his movement of lips. This is very different from an actor who just happens to look at an odd direction or make a strange posture – those can be accidents. This is intentional.“

The Jar-Jar theory is so ridiculous I can’t even start 

Gods, if this were true it means Lucas rather than ruining the prequels was simply TOO successful at concealing his Big Bad, and it makes perfect sense considering how over-the-top evil Darth Maul looked (so much so that I remember my friend’s parents protesting the film because he “looked like the devil”).  This would almost have been some inception level stuff.  We all think we know Palpatine is behind everything because of the original movies, but had Jar-Jar been the real power behind everything it would have been on another level.  

So, tldr:  Lucas was so successful in making concealing his Big Bad in the guise of bumbling fool that everyone HATED the bumbling fool too much to allow his presence to persist in the movies.

I never thought I’d say this, but I almost feel cheated.