hey guys im here with the worst thing of all time

Realization about Jasper




ok so when Amethyst shape-shifts she always has her gem on her chest like normal. When Garnet shifts into Steven during a game of Steven tag, she has her gems on her hands like normal.

Jasper’s gem is her nose.

No matter what she turns into, she’ll have a stupid fucking crystal nose.

Imagine Jasper as a shark or a dolphin or snake or anything like that. Stupid fucking crystal nose.

(Bonus point if u draw this)


oh my GOD

Yes, Yes! YES!




You know, I’ve always been really confused about what the initial point of Rose Quartz’s were to Pink Diamond/Homeworld. Because, really, if the plan for earth was this:

then what is the point of having a gem who has the ability to create life the way Rose is shown to be able to do? And if every other Quartz type we see is built like a freaking body builder (with the exception of the gems from the Beta kindergarten we see in That Will Be All, but according to Peridot nearly all of the gems there “came out wrong” so…) and have weapons that can be used offensively:

then why have this single type of Quartz who looks soft and approachable and give them a shield as a weapon? Then this bomb came along and…I noticed a couple of things about that zoo. The first thing was these flowers on the door.

Five petalled flowers with what looks like the centre of Rose’s gem upside down in the middle. Does that look familiar? How about now.

These look startlingly similar to the flowers Rose grows on earth. On top of this, we have the room where Yellow and Blue Diamond discuss Pink Diamond’s death. When I watched this I couldn’t help but think it was strange that all of the Rose Quartz’s were here for some reason.

Like, if this room was Pink Diamond’s version of the temple, why are there no other gem types anywhere? Surely she didn’t only bubble Rose Quartz’s in her time alive. And if they were put here…in memory of Pink Diamond or something then someone would’ve had to take the time to move all of these bubble gems to this location.

Unless, they were already there.

Unless, the zoo is where Rose Quartz’s used to work.

The zoo is meant to be calming to humans. A place where they live a life of complacency and safety. Would it not make sense that the gems working there would be approachable to humans should they ever need to go into the enclosure? Would it not make sense that they would be able to grow new wildlife should something happen to the ecosystem in the enclosure? Rose Quartz’s would make the perfect guards for such a place.

At least until one of them decided she liked humans a little too much and didn’t want the planet they came from to be destroyed.

Everything about Rose Quartz makes PERFECT sense.

>The ability to create plant life over night, in case something went wrong with the ecosystem at the zoo. The humans would not starve.

>A shield, because the humans probably tried to escape a lot (at first) and they didn’t want a more violent gem to pull out their weapon and destroy the inhabitants. A shield would keep them back without harm.

>Healing powers, for when humans were hurt, since they wouldn’t have access to Earth medical technology or doctors.

>Rose Quartz is one of the most human looking gems, including her gem placement.

>She was made to love humans. She could never truly love another gem (Pearl). That was why she always loved humans, but could never quite match Pearl’s infatuation. Pearls, in the same vein, are meant to serve and be loyal to a single gem.

>The fatal flaw in the design of the Rose Quartz gem was making their role to serve (and care for) humans… not to serve Diamonds.

We all thought Rose Quartz gems were made to be big bad warriors like Jasper.


They were created to be zookeepers.

im like 90% behind this theory and i would only like to add something important to it that further makes it rly solid.

it was mentioned that the door to the zoo opened only once, ever. my proposal is this: the rose quartz that went tru this door was our rose quartz. it was long ago, and the human that was hurt was from the first generation of humans, the ones who were born on earth. rose confronted this human and they talked. the human told rose about the earth, its beauty, about how no annoying voice is dictating you what to do, instead you grow and you can become anything you want. and that planted the seeds of the rebellion in roses mind…