
Honestly, Pearl is the anti-Snape

Oh, the woman I loved chose to be with someone else and then died tragically? I guess I’d better LOVE AND NURTURE HER SON


classy ballerina lesbian in a tailored suit with a rose and a top hat singing about her lost lover and the feud she has with the man her lover left her for and the fact that she’s struggling to move on against a backdrop of soft pink city lights accompanied by an audio track of beautiful piano and soft strings with the occasional faint sound of the city life is literally all I can think about right now




Rebecca openly identified as a bisexual woman and talked about how the inclusion of the LGBT themes in the show come from her experiences and how important it is for LGBT kids to be able to hear these stories and be validated in ways they often aren’t. She wants to let kids with similar experiences and identities that they exist and are valid

She said this at the SDCC panel, btw. I was watching a stream and live posting what I heard on it, which is why I didn’t source it. Here’s a recording of the panel, you’ll be able to find this answer somewhere on there, I don’t know the exact time right now but its toward the end

skip to 45:25 for the question re: the lgbt themes where she came out as bisexual in her reply!

Steven Universe SDCC Recap


 Here’s a recap of what happened in today’s SDCC panel. 

  • They showed a clip of tonight’s episode “Beach City Drift.”
  • There were a couple of the show’s songs that the crew sang at the beginning, such as the credits song, the main title song, etc.
  • A preview of the new iOS/Android game “Soundtrack Attack” was shown.
  • Rebecca has created a children’s book based on the Emmy nominated episode, “The Answer.”
  • Rebecca said that the credits is a theme message for everyone, and it isn’t directed towards anyone specifically. 
  • Rebecca said the song creating processes goes back and forth, but it starts when they’re throwing in ideas to create an episode. Everyone agreed Rebecca’s demos are the best!
  • Steven’s canon birthday is August 15th, same as Steven Sugar, Rebecca’s brother.
  • Rebecca said that she is fine with the 11-minute format of the show. 
  • There’ll be a half hour special airing soon in the coming weeks! (Presumably Bismuth)
  • Steven is home-schooled by the gems. He is smart but still has a lot to learn!
  • A question was asked if Steven grew up to sound like a musician, who would he sound like? Some said he would grow up to be like Greg and the music would involve rock. Bon Jovi was a name mentioned!
  • It was asked if we’d see more of homeworld, but since it was a spoiler question it wasn’t answered! 
  • Rebecca said she knew most of the basic plot of the show like the fusions before the show, but some things were made along the way, like Amethyst’s backstory and the kindergarten story. Getting to know the staff helped to create some of the story of the show.
  • Steven’s VA, Zach Callison knows a bit of Italian and has a good accent.
  • Rebecca said that she gets inspired by everything that happens in life.
  • The crew confirmed that there will be new gems introduced in the upcoming episodes!
  • Rebecca sang a song “Here Comes a Thought” which will be airing in an upcoming episode. 

And that was basically it. I will be uploading the full panel to YouTube in a bit, it’s like 2 hours long.