
You are the DOCTOR WHO FANDOM and you think everyone should CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

You don’t even know what these guys’ deal even IS, anyway- there is a BIG difference between DEMONS and ALIENS and, gee- you love ALL OF THEM!

THE HETALIA FANDOM isn’t here to shooshpap HOMESTUCK back into tranquility, and SUPERNATURAL doesn’t look like he’s getting tired of RILING HOMESTUCK UP. It looks like it’s UP TO YOU. You’re getting TIRED of dealing with these guys’ DRAMA, anyway.

You wonder if your SONIC SCREWDRIVER works on SALTKIND STRIFE SPECIBUS. Only one way to find out.

((I AM SO SORRY IF IVE BUTCHERED DOCTOR WHO AND SUPERNATURAL IN ANY WAY. I’m just a simple Homestuck.  Last line courtesy of saianstarry))


SuperWhoLock: The big three. The uber fandoms. The monsters that run around ruining hipster posts. Everyone loves at least one of these fandoms and some are lucky to be in all three.
HetaStuck: The awesome, animated two. These used to be two rival fandoms that now coexist in peace. They often meet to discuss the complexities of shipping.
And then you have the mother fandom. The first fandom. The fandom to end all fandoms. The fandom that other fandoms only dream about being in: Harry Potter