

Bored this summer? Build a TARDIS!

Infinitely faster than growing one.


Making a Simple Tardis Bookcase =============

~ $60 + 15 hours (lots of it in between waiting for paint/ wood glue to dry)

bill of material:

1. structural (use screws)
     2 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 18” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 18” at HomeDepot)
     4 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 36” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 36”)
     24+ pcs –  I used #6 x 1.25” (anything #6 – #10 and 1”+long would be fine)
     1 pcs – 19” x 36” (backboard; can be cut from big 4’ by 8’ of of thin plywood) 

2.  top decoration (use wood glue)
     2 pcs – 3.5” x 0.75” x 12” (sold as 3.75” by 1”, cut to 12”)
     1 pcs – 3.5” x 0.75” x 19.5” (sold as 3.75” by 1”, cut to 19.5”)
     1 pcs – 11.25” x 0.75” x 17.5” (sold as 11.5” by 1”, cut to 17.5”)

3. fine decoration  (use wood glue)
     6 pcs – 31.75” x 2” (cut from big plywood sheet)
     12 pcs – 2.625” x 2” (same plywood. * I used 11/32” thickness, but any works)
     4 pcs – 2.625” x 1” ( just break two of above into 4 pieces)

4. For the top tardis alarm light, I used a PVC pipe connected to a pipe cap

5. your choice of blue spray paint + wood glue

You can buy all these from HomeDepot, and get most of them cut for free there as well. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I made some CAD drawing for anyone who wants to try this as a weekend project. Good Luck and Cheers!



so my mom was driving to work and she spotted this in someone’s yard.




the doctor is here.



so apparently the risk management people at my university have told my political science professor that his tardis door is in violation of blah blah blah because “people might think police are actually available in his office”



okay, tamuc. okay.

y’all omfg i am so done. i went by his office this morning and he’s added all of this to his bulletin board:




i’m crygikng’;e