
It’s a tradition in the Bureau of Balance to haze new members by getting them to challenge Davenport to strategy games and then watching him annihilate them.  Davenport seems to like it, and it’s hilarious to watch this goofy little gnome utterly destroy any sense of ego these newbies have.  Sometimes there are accusations of cheating or rigging the game going around, but no, he really is that good.

Obviously, someone tries to pull this on the new reclaimers.  Taako folds about two rounds in and just sits there buffing his nails, and Magnus loses pretty handily, but Merle and Davenport are… weirdly well matched?  Like, it’s not that Merle is better at the game than anyone else, but he doesn’t fall for any of Davenport’s usual tricks or bluffs.  It’s like someone handed him a cheat sheet of all Davenport’s tells, except that Davenport is reading him right back, so within ten minutes they’re both making these bizarre moves that no one could have predicted to counter these equally strange strategies the other one is throwing out, and Magnus keeps chiming in “helpfully”, and it’s really not helpful but it does seem slightly more in tune with how Merle and Dav are playing than anything anyone else who’s watching picks up on.

It ends up lasting five hours, with Davenport victorious.  “You win again, C-” Merle says, before his train of thought gets unexpectedly derailed and he forgets what he’s gonna say.

“Davenport,” says Davenport smugly.  They shake hands and meet up again a week later.  Everyone in the Bureau is shooketh.  The Director chugs another fishbowl of fermented grape juice.


Oh noooooooo! The mystery is solved! Youve solved my final riddle, you are ze new riddle master... Congratulations You have proven yourselves... quite the adventurers... oh, Ive landed on Bryan Bryan, ahhh Bryan, Im so proud of zem Im going to die now... My life is flagging from my body... Ill see my family... goodbye cruel worrrrld



One of my favorite categories of taz headcanon is “random stuff lucretia forgot to erase”

  • The classic “elves in Faerun don’t echolocate”
  • The one where Magnus jumps up behind Davenport as part of rogue training and Davenport yells “Magnus, stop doing that!!!” 100% reflexively
  • A fic I read one time where Taako and Magnus got into some lengthy debate about Fantasy Iron Chef or Fantasy Survivor or something while a local with no concept of television listened in like “How?? Were you watching these people???  Guys??”
  • Magnus stripping naked in front of Lucretia doesn’t twig as weird to anyone in the room
  • Davenport can’t hold a conversation, but he can and will destroy you at any strategy game you put in front of him
    • Addendum: sometimes he and Merle play some sort of elaborately house ruled poker with a tarot deck and no one else can figure out what’s going on but they don’t seem to be improvising and they never actually discussed the house rules before implementing them?
  • Magnus punches a plate of cookies out of Avi’s hands because those have hazelnuts in them and don’t you know the Director is allergic?? (He didn’t know.  Nobody knew.  Merle and Taako knew)
  • Merle starts up some drinking song that nobody on this entire moon has ever heard before but Magnus jumps right in.  Taako rolls his eyes but joins in on the chorus.  The Director can correctly identify it within two lines.
  • Lydia and Edward actually have no freaking clue what Dupree is (malformed dragon?) but Merle and Magnus are just “ah yes.  A t-rex”
  • Barry Bluejeans is a fighter but that one mission involving a necromancer he recognized the ritual immediately and made fun of the guy for using an inefficient circle.

Content like that.  I live for it.

Magnus getting naked in the middle of a meeting with the Director and receiving no reaction is my favorite not-canon-but-canon instance where Lucretia forgets that she’s not supposed to let on that she spent a lifetime sharing a home with these doofuses

For all your nasty anons





You guys should go check out out The Day of Story and Thong. Its a Burlesque show themed after TAZ. You should express that you want to see them travel because they have full Mcelroy permission and are raising money for charity.

this is nuts but it sounds like something you guys would like so??? go ham???

so i saw a bunch of people tagging this with things along the line of “barry bluejeans tho” and i realized i hadn’t looked at any of their photos and uh








im relistening to the Lunar Interludes for a school project and seriously why does the fucking hilarity of Johann’s character not dawn on everyone

kids last words were more or less “don’t let the world forget me” but fuckin everyone forgets about “do you work here?” “Yeah, what gave it away? Is it the fact that I’m like, here? No man, i just got lost and ended up on a moon base.”

his reaction to making three grown ass men cry is “Told you so”

Johann: There’s like. A LOT of syphillis.

Merle: attempts speaking-

Johann, cutting him off: An unconscionable amount of syphillis



So I finished running The Eleventh Hour for a party of kids today and they did really awesome for first time players. We got to the scene where one of the kids made a grab for the chalice and because none of them had backstories as fleshed out as the McElroys I decided to only tempt her and I made the chalice a little bit more confrontational. 

Anyway we reached the climax of this scene of the two arguing and I had the chalice say something to her along the lines of “We could be partners, you and I. We could fix so many wrongs in the world. Don’t you have any regrets? Anything you want to change?” 

And this kid looks me dead in the eye and says “I want to be the last pair of hands that ever holds you.” 

And I just… 


wow then

Holy SHIT I want to be half as badass as this kid


Barry: Hey, wanna go out to dinner?

Taako: Wrong twin Barold

Barry: No I’ve got the right twin I just wanna hang out with you more

Taako, choking back tears: Cool


accidental foreshadowing: the hits

Magnus, in Refuge: Listen, either they die or we forget about them, so, either way. ..


Griffin: It’s like an airlock in a spaceship

Travis: Which of course we’ve been in before.

Griffin, very nervously: ….no? probably- probably not…

Clint: Maybe in the backstory!


Magnus, indignant for all the wrong reasons: Hey, we don’t know shit about history! We don’t even remember where we are right now!


Taako in Rockport Limited: It’s BARRY. How quickly you forget, huh?“


Travis after the first inoculation, in Moonlighting: Did we remember anything about the umbrella we found in the dungeon or any of that?

Griffin: No.

Travis: Huh.


Magnus: “I go and stand where he (the drifting mysterious incorporeal red spectre) is, and I jump around like ‘hey guys look I’m in a red robe!”


Travis: hey, are the voidfish’s powers like…selective?


Griffin, dodging like crazy: I mean, I imagine Barry’s voice sounds pretty different when he’s engulfed in flames.


Griffin in The Eleventh Hour: I imagine it’d be very disorienting, dying like that and then not dying.

Taako, nonchalant: Just another day at the office, baby.


BONUS from Rockport Limited; i just know this one was a two-year-long brick joke thanks griff

Jenkins: Remember, don’t leave anything behind, and you can’t take anything.

Magnus: Well, except memories.

Jenkins: The memories will be obliterated…no, no, no. I’m kidding. Nothing could destroy memories.


people who draw lup as Extra™ as possible and barry as Average™ as possible give me life. how did this goth punk fashion elf with a fireball in each hand end up with this best buy employee??? cuz they love each other bitch!!!