still upset that the films never acknowledge that Peeta loses a limb in the first arena and goes through the Quarter Quell with a prosthetic leg
or that Katniss has suffered permanent hearing loss in one of her ears and now requires a hearing aid
or, you know, the Avoxes
because, you know, why show disabled people doing things
imagine if you taught a bunch of mockingbirds or whatever to imitate dubstep and then released them into the wild. people camping at night in their tents listening to the sound of nature. and then the bass drops.
The Capitol was wrong this is the best use of jabberjays
what is finnick’s favorite game?
truth odair
well it certainly aint the hungergames
the hunger games aren’t amazingly unique or flawless or anything but I think katniss as a character is very important and i think the media misunderstands
we aren’t in it for the cute boys. we’re in it for katniss. thousands of young girls were introduced to an introverted, angry girl born into poverty and watched her become the savior of the world and the media doesn’t seem to understand that she, as a character, is important to girls. not who she dates, but her
I hate when the media makes The Hunger Games look like a battle for love. Get your bullshit fantasies away. This is about murder, over powered government, and a girl trying to change the way things are. News flash not every girls fantasy is to find true love.
the irony here is that our media is doing exactly what the Capitol did in the books; downplaying the murder, focusing on the bullshit love story