so starting from next term my school will be changing the uniform skirt length to knee length which is TOTAL BULLSHIT for a bunch of reasons

  • new principal said earlier this year that she would not be changing skirt lengths (we thought she might bc she’s been really pissy about skirts all year + used to be vice principal at a school with ankle length skirts) so nice to know you have tony abbott as a role model
  • stated reason for new length is “four fingers above the knee was too hard for you to figure out/us to check, knee length is easier” which is just. bullshit.
  • finding out that teachers are uncomfortable with our skirts is like. that’s your problem
  • throughout this entire thing all year, not a single thing has been mentioned about shorts
  • there are no restrictions on shorts. it should be noted that even though girls are allowed to wear shorts, most don’t bc the uniform shorts are designed for guys and are ugly as hell on girls so essentially girls’ clothing is being ultra policed while no one gives a shit about guys
  • (i mean guys definitely get picked up on uniform almost as much as girls, but there isn’t a school wide campaign against them not wearing ties in class)
  • in year assembly today we essentially got blackmailed- to be in a position of leadership, you need to set a good example, so if you don’t wear the new skirt you’re not getting a leadership position next year
  • about skirts in year 11. there’s the summer one (term 1 and 4) and the winter one (2 and 3). in year 11 you get a new summer skirt. not including this term, we have 3 summer terms and 2 winter terms left of school ever, and we have had one summer term. 
  • this means that a large number of people have spent money on a skirt which was worn for one term before ceasing to be correct uniform
  • and that 50% of my year group is expected to spend possibly hundreds of dollars on a uniform we are going to wear for jack shit amount of time
  • (which is just another thing related to money- new principal has introduced a thing which is basically every parent from year 5 on has to pay for a piece of technology which will become obsolete in two years’ time) (dear new principal you may have previously worked at the $25000/year school but this is the $10000/year school there are parents who can’t afford this)
  • also new principal goes on about how she has consulted with ~~all the teachers~~~ about this like it’s some great thing but the old principal who was amazing used to do the same, but he talked to the students too. he had lunch with every single student in the school, and asked for everyone’s opinions, and it was great

basically changing the skirt lengths is total bullshit and the new principal kind of reminds me of the head of english, who is under the impression that all the students love her, when no one actually likes her

also this is a lot longer than i was planning