


why do publishing houses not understand that people DO judge books by their covers


I know the tide is changing and we’re seeing more and more quality covers but the book world needs to get their shit together on so many levels because there are so many things they could do to spike physical book sales

“dont judge books by the covers” are you joking please I am the biggest cover snob it stresses me out

What else are we supposed to judge a book by since they’ve decided to take summaries out of books and replace them with one worded reviews.

does anyone have any tips on working with a 5000x3000px image with animation in photoshop cs5?

bc when i was testing it out it crashed on me haha



Unfriendly reminder that in America it’s reasonable to say an unarmed black kid deserved to be shot six times because he might have robbed a convenience store, but a white kid shouldn’t be kicked off the high school football team just because he violently raped a girl.

#and filmed it #and shared it online

my wrist hurts and i’m pretty sure it’s from drawing last night 🙁