“The Gods of Egypt” Film to Feature All White Cast
“The Gods of Egypt” Film to Feature All White Cast
The new movie, The Gods of Egypt, being put out by the Australian filmmaker, Alex Proyas, is due to feature an all-white cast. Proyas is well known for directing films such as The Crow (1994), Dark…“From an early age, we are incredibly prone to the images thrown in our direction from a many different ones, eventually shaping the way we look on the world and ourselves. The blunt westernization of African gods displayed here is without a doubt, shameless in its own right, and will not be accepted nor tolerated. This is an element of storytelling that has gone on for far too long, and must be put to rest as timely as possible. I try to imagine a reality in which Roman Gods are portrayed as Chinese, but my mind just simply won’t allow it.”
u smell that? thats the smell of oversexualized female Halloween costumes coming soon
i don’t know what you could mean
Stardust Revolution: Amazon Unveils a [Horrifying] Fanfic Publishing Platform
Stardust Revolution: Amazon Unveils a [Horrifying] Fanfic Publishing Platform
Today, Amazon announced the imminent launch of its newest endeavor, Kindle Worlds, a publishing platform for fanfiction. When I read the announcement, I was horrified, then angry, then sad. I want to take a moment to explain why…
This was a photo that Felice Fawn posed on Facebook. If you don’t think thin shaming is a thing think again.
and she uploaded that saying “breakfast ^_^”
you have pop quizzes
in australia when you’re a senior you need to have at least 2 weeks notification on any test or assignment