
what a great update kanaya finally killed gamzee and the lalondes met and john beat up caliborn and nothing else happened at all ever


So Homestuck has always been known as that one comic where everyone dies, but can we all agree that [S]: Game Over was quite literally, overkill.

so this is my homestuck theory. i’ve had this for a long while, since before the gigapause actually, but i never actually got around to posting it.

basically, the theory is that there are some things that are repeated a lot in homestuck:

  • magic is fake as shit
  • if you believe in something hard enough, it might become real
  • various arcs/motifs about characters believing or not believing in something, often magic

if you combine this with some other facts, eg:

  • there are some characters who definitely believe in magic (eg john)
  • the hope aspect seems to be at least partially the power of belief (eg jake hopesploding makes brain ghost dirk real)
  • pages have enormous potential apparently
  • magic being something that is incredibly powerful (able to defeat lord english in particular) seems to be a recurring theme (eg hussie’s entire death scene)

basically, the theory is this:

someone will convince jake that magic is real. jake, believing in magic, will use his page of hope powers (intentionally or not) to make magic real. this will have massive plot ramifications.

i reread homestuck to collect evidence for this and from late act 5 or so it seems incredibly obvious. the start of act 6 has the whole arc about jane not believing dirk and roxy for god’s sake (interestingly this is also where jake’s incredible gullibility is set up)
anyway i’ll put the actual evidence under a read more bc there is a metric shit ton of it

this isn’t organised at all it’s literally just me copypasting from homestuck while i was rereading it do not feel the need to read this at all, it’s 45k words long + like 150 flash screenshots

edit never mind putting that much text will apparently make tumblr throw a tantrum and not post so i’ll put it in separate posts and link them

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4

the images go in this post though bc i can’t be assed to reupload them










ok i didn’t post all the screencaps bc that would just be too many

there’s also some minor stuff in the update but yeah