tumblr needs to talk more about black australia tbh



 Alan Jones Says Australia “Needs More Stolen Generations”

The stolen generation is still fucking happening and no one pays attention to it

Transport NSW has denied requests to stop work on a transport project despite the discovery of huge amounts of Indigenous artefacts

Indigenous women have their facebook profiles suspended because they share images of them practicing their culture

Australian crime writer describes ‘Typical Aboriginal’ a A Violent, Thieving, Rapist, Murderer

Teenagers and kids are committing suicide in remote towns

An indigenous refugee camp was forefully removed in WA because it was an “eyesore”

The imprisonment rate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was 2253 per 100,000 in 2014-15, or 15 times the rate of the rest of the population

The Darwin Correctional Centre is quite literally cutting off and targeting Aboriginal people 

Nearly one-third of Indigenous inmates in 2015 had to see medical staff for injuries, up from 22 per cent in 2012 and they go uninvestigated

A young Aboriginal woman who was jailed without charge for 18 months because she has intellectual impairment and had nowhere to go

There’s just a general over-representation of Indigenous youth in prisons

There are indigenous peoples literally starving to death

Perth police officers are terrorising the homeless indigenous people (sign the petition)

The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre has never had authority to speak for all Tasmanian Aborigines

Some other general statistics: