Alan Jones Says Australia “Needs More Stolen Generations”
The stolen generation is still fucking happening and no one pays attention to it
Transport NSW has denied requests to stop work on a transport project despite the discovery of huge amounts of Indigenous artefacts
Australian crime writer describes ‘Typical Aboriginal’ a A Violent, Thieving, Rapist, Murderer
Teenagers and kids are committing suicide in remote towns
An indigenous refugee camp was forefully removed in WA because it was an “eyesore”
The Darwin Correctional Centre is quite literally cutting off and targeting Aboriginal people
There’s just a general over-representation of Indigenous youth in prisons
There are indigenous peoples literally starving to death
Perth police officers are terrorising the homeless indigenous people (sign the petition)
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre has never had authority to speak for all Tasmanian Aborigines
Some other general statistics:
- In 2008-2012, the infant mortality rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children was almost double that for non-Indigenous children (6.2 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, compared with 3.7 per 1,000 live births)
- Non-Indigenous girls born in 2010-2012 in Australia can expect to live a decade longer than Indigenous girls born the same year (84.3 years and 73.7 years respectively)
- The gap for men is even larger, with a 69.1 year life expectancy for Indigenous men and 79.9 years for non-Indigenous men
- The potentially preventable death rate for Indigenous children was more than 3 times that of non-Indigenous children between 2008–2012
- Death rates for Indigenous Australians in some age groups were 5 or more times higher than for non-Indigenous Australians between 2009-2013 in South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory
- The maternal death rate for Indigenous women was almost 3 times the rate for non-Indigenous women who gave birth between 2006-2010
- Indigenous suicide has increased from 5% of total Australian suicide in 1991, to 50% in 2010, despite making up only 3% of the total Australian population. The most drastic increase occurred among young people 10-24 years old, where Indigenous youth suicide rose from 10% in 1991 to 80% in 2010.
- Indigenous adults were 3 times more likely to experience high/very high levels of psychological distress in 2012-13 compared with non-Indigenous adults
- In 2010 it was estimated that up to 40% of Indigenous youth aged 13–17 will experience some form of mental illness
- The proportion of Indigenous 20–24 year olds completing year 12 or equivalent was 59 per cent in 2012-13 compared with 86 – 88 per cent for non-Indigenous Australians
- In 2013, 7.3 per cent of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander potential year 12 population achieved an ATAR of 50.00 or above, compared with 44.3 per cent non-Indigenous young people
- The unemployment rate for Indigenous Australians was around five times the rate for non-Indigenous Australians in 2012
- In 2011 19.3% of Indigenous people were living below the poverty line, compared with 12.4% of other Australians