if you get five eevees all spray painted red, blue, yellow, black, green, then stacked them on top of each other, it will evolve into one big eeveelution.
some voltron future season predictions for literally no other reason than potential gloating rights a year and a half from now:
- each of the voltron lions were forged on different planets and made from unique materials.
- ala black lion = guardian of the sky; came from a meteor that crashed on the Galara home planet
- one of the lions will be badly damaged and they have to take it back to it’s home planet for repairs
- haggar has a strong personal grudge against allura (or alfor) and thats why she turned against altea
- possibly also an evil aunt, just saying
- keith’s dad is not only still alive but hiding out somewhere in space, I would put money on him showing up in person in future seasons.
- this would also go along with the ‘keith’s dad left him’ theory since he might have literally just been carried off into space.
- he’s probably still kinda an asshole tho
- i don’t trust him
- another one of the original voltron paladins is alive, possibly a recluse in some far corner of the galaxy
- possibly one of those crazy wise old people that teach life changing lessons to those they encounter.
- i hope it’s the blue paladin and lance
- alfor survived the attack on altea. we didn’t see him die so in my book, he ain’t dead. at the very least the time between when alfor put allura in the pod and when altea was destroyed is important and what happened there will be revealed to us before the end of the show.
- he even says ‘if all goes well i will see you again soon’ to allura right before he knocks her out !!! that man had a plan !!!!!!!!!!!
- coran was probably in on whatever alfor did bc he was put into the cyropod after allura, likely on alfor’s request to watch after her.
- Hunk is going to go through some kind of heartbreaking tragedy that becomes his will to fight
- I say this because Hunk is the only one of the paladins who doesn’t have a Reason for doing what he is doing yet. (Shiro = revenge on zarkon, keeping his team safe, + just being the kind of good person who literally wouldn’t rest until he knew the galaxy was safe. Lance = his desire to protect earth and to return home to his family. Keith = his quest for knowledge about himself and his past, Pidge = her need to rescue her missing family members, ect.) so maybe his Reason™ is actually going to happen real-time, all the more heartbreaking.
- Lance and Keith will get stuck alone together somewhere and have to work as a team to make their way back to the ship.
- it will be gay.
- they will bond and lance will actually remember it this time
- Lance will attempt to sacrifice himself for one of his team members
- A paladin (probably Keith) will run away and then proceed be tracked down mercilessly by the rest of the team and there is a heartfelt reunion scene where at least 2 people cry (not including me)
- somebody important to Keith dies. likely his mom or dad. because he’s tragic like that.
listen the fuck up it better not be shiro because i will FIGHT- Pidge will find Matt but not her dad. they have to team up to save him.
- alternatively: they find Matt but he doesn’t remember anything about Pidge or himself (just like how Shiro still hasn’t regained all his memories but Worse)
- Lance accidentally commits some kind of grave alien cultural offense and gets thrown in space jail, the team has to spend the rest episode working to save him before he’s executed.
- Lance befriends his cellmate who turns out to be the Important Person the team came to find in the first place.
- Keith gets attached to a cute, tiny alien pet and immediately risks his life for it
- Kaltenecker returns, she lives in the castle in her own grazing pasture. Lance takes care of her and has full on conversations with her daily. like a living cow diary.
that’s all tune in next season to see if i bathe in the fountains of glory or return a Fool to my people
so, are hunk and lance leg-endary defenders?
only if you consider Keith and Pidge armed and dangerous.
and of course shiro’s ahead of everyone else.