
welcome to night vale au where it’s a musical and carlos is the only one aware that everyone randomly starts singing and dancing



okay but imagine that cecil takes advantage of the fact that carlos doesn’t understand night vale instances because he’s from the outside world and uses it as flirting material

like, carlos one morning sleeps over and goes to use cecil’s shower and cecil FREAKS OUT and goes, “what?! you’ve been showering alone!? how did you survive— oh my god, you haven’t been hurt have you? did they hurt you?“ and carlos is like ‘what the fuck cecil i’m fine what are you talking about’ and cecil is like “THE. … SHOWER SPRITES. spirits that live in the water and sense when you’re most vulnerable! you just CAN’T shower alone!” and carlos is like all… right then come and shower with me

and stuff like “carlos i can’t BELIEVE you didn’t know that you have to hold hands every time you pass the cemetary! it’s practically law!“ or “carlos they say if you don’t kiss your significant other every day you’re destined to die next valentine’s!”

and one day carlos figures it out that cecil has been lying to him and all of these ‘dangerous things’ are just cecil’s way of getting carlos to be affectionate with him and he just goes “you idiot“ and continues to do them even though he now knows better
