




i hate when the teacher’s like “write about a bad time in your life” like i ain’t tryna get a social worker up my ass, thanks tho fam

This ain’t no joke I had to write a essay about what your scared of so I did it (I was scared of growing up and where my life was going) it was great got a 100 but then I got sent to councilors office and was sent to therapy cause they thought I was suicidal and on the verge of breaking…Apparently they ment like spiders or some shit…

Also like, not everyone finds that at all useful or cathartic.

“Write about some difficulty you’ve experienced personally.”
“Aight fam let me just break down into tears and skip the rest of my classes.”

Yes! I had a psych professor ask us to discuss outloud the hardest thing that ever happened to us literally two days ago and I said “you realize the position you’re putting us in? I feel obligated to lie to not only save my peers the awkwardness but also because I will find no relief in answering honestly but rather anxiety. The hardest thing in my life is having people repeatedly tell me I should find some sort of catharsis in reliving my trauma so someone else can feel pity for me!”

The whole class backed me up because they didn’t want to either! Those kind of exercises are only helpful for people who don’t have any real past/current issues– which is no one btw.

in my first year honors class (all 200 of us have a class together) a few weeks ago we did a thing in our breakout groups where we all had to talk about a time we felt alone/excluded/etc and there were people talking about losing parents and being kicked out and I came out as trans (and talked about how shitty people were to me and how isolated I was). serious stuff like that. and we got no warning. we all got to the breakout room from the lecture and they were like “everyone come sit in a circle we’re all gonna talk about our most painful experiences out loud right now”

and the group facilitators didn’t see all that sort of shit coming. the professor presumably decided to do this because she doesn’t have to deal with the breakout groups, the facilitators (who are maybe 2 years older than all of us) did. and they weren’t really prepared for it. everyone was crying and swearing and yelling. then we all went back to the honors dorm and cried. no one slept that night because we were all so upset from thinking about shit that a lot of us had repressed for good fucking reason. everyone was like “we’re in college and adults now so they can’t do that” and that’s why we all shared like that.

so maybe. don’t do this sort of thing to students.