I just wrote really bad fanfiction about an inside joke three people will get. Why.

She was so excited about finally getting to Hogwarts. It was even better than she’d expected. However, after the boat ride, and the sorting (Ravenclaw! Yes!), and the speeches, and the feast, she was exhausted. She was at the point of getting irritated at Hogwarts’ insane number of stairs when she arrived at the Ravenclaw tower. The eagle doorknocker looked at her opened its mouth, and said:

“Do sea kayaks have sails?”

She blinked. “What?”

“Do sea kayaks have sails?”

“That is a really, really stupid question.”

The eagle doorknocker eyed her balefully.

“But it is! Who even cares? It doesn’t have any effect on anyone’s life, ever. Like, maybe oceanic kayakers. But no one else.  I thought I was going to have a really meaningful question of something. But no, I get the most useless one ever. Why.”

The doorknocker gave her a look.


The other Ravenclaws found her the next morning, still glaring at the doorknocker and muttering about sea kayaks.

(this is really bad ugh)